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Words To Live By: Part Two

MORE Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

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Words To Live By...

More Words of Wisdom
From The Lord, Our God and Savior

For all those who have dedicated
Themselves to Me by means of The Truth,
Those who have recognized My words
And also do them...

Those who came to Me empty
That I might fill them up,
That they might be truly dedicated to Me...

Even as I had dedicated Myself to them also,
That we may become one...

Set apart in My glory, for My glory,
To the joy of their Father in Heaven,
Says The Lord YahuShua.

Behold, My words shall never pass away. For as I am, so also is My Word. For it proceeds from Me, being manifest by He Who Is True, also being called The Word... Living... Always feeding His flock The Word, which is written for their nourishment, which is to be received through that part of Himself which is also in Me, says The Lord God.

[From “The Word of My Mouth” ~ Volume 7]

It is written:

“Man shall not live by bread alone,
But by every word that proceeds
From the mouth of God.”

[Matthew 4:4]

Come, Love Awaits You

Come, all those who know not My ways; I will show you.

Come, all those who have been abandoned;
I will comfort you and give you shelter.

Come, all those who are crippled;
Let us run and leap for joy together!

Come, all those faithless;
I shall fill your cup, and watch how it overflows!

Come, all murderers;
Watch Me raise you, and all who sleep, from the grave.

Come, all you who blaspheme, I will give you a new voice;
Bring with you all those who are blind and deaf,
For they too shall see and hear!

Indeed, come all those who have sinned against Me, take My hand!
I will lead you to the waters where I shall wash you,
And where your new clothes hang upon the tree
Which grows next to the stream...

Come one, come all! Ask, and it shall be given you!
For all things are possible with God and made manifest through The Son...

Says The Lord YahuShua.

Crowning Glory

The love of God is His crowning glory...

And that love is revealed in the glory of The Son,
By which His beloved are also crowned.


The mountains tremble and the hills quiver,
The oxen grumble in their stalls
And the lambs leap about in their places,

Do you hear the sound of My heart
Pounding within My chest, the thunder
Rumbling as the storm approaches?
Look how the lightning flashes upon the southern skies,
See how the clouds roil on the western horizon...

Behold, the northern lands are anxious,
The isles of the east are unsettled
And the deserts burn with hatred,

Behold, the trumpet is blown
In the four corners, the warning broadcast
In all the earth, and still you sleep!...


I AM COME![1]...

Says The Lord.

A Psalm of David

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