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<p><br />
<span style="color:#f2f2f2"><span style="font-size:large"><strong>The Blessed...</strong></span><br />
<span style="font-size:medium"><strong>More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior</strong></span><br />
<span style="font-size:small"><strong><em>(Excerpts from Letters from God and His Christ)</em></strong></span><br />
<br />
<br />
<em>Everything which comes from the mouth<br />
Of The Lord your God is a blessing for all!...<br />
<br />
A song for all those<br />
Who have ears to hear!<br />
<br />
A vision to all who have<br />
Eyes to see My splendor,<br />
Painted by The Word of My glory!<br />
<br />
An overflowing fountain inside those<br />
Whose hearts are open to Me!...<br />
<br />
Says The Lord.<br />
<br />
[From &ldquo;[[Blessed by The Word of God]]&rdquo; ~ [[Volume 5]]]</em><br />
<br />
<br />
<em>It is written:<br />
<br />
&ldquo;Man shall not live by bread alone,<br />
But by every word that proceeds<br />
From the mouth of God.&rdquo;<br />
<br />
[Matthew 4:4]</em></span></p><br />
==Blessed Are Those Who Seek Me==
<br /><em>Blessed are all those with</em><br /><em>Their heads raised toward Heaven, </em><br /><em>Who do continually look up </em><br /><em>In anticipation of My coming... </em><br /><br /><em>They shall surely be gone from this place!</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are the wise who wait and watch, </em><br /><em>And see these things come to pass </em><br /><em>During their generation...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are the faithful,</em><br /><em>For they shall be lifted up. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is the one who finds his way to Me, </em><br /><em>Without the hindrances of men. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who diligently </em><br /><em>Seek after God, for they will surely find Me...</em><br /><br /><em>But know this, I am also He who </em><br /><em>Corrects and disciplines those He loves. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is the man who comes to Me </em><br /><em>Ashamed of his trespasses, whose heart </em><br /><em>Is full of grief on account of his sins,</em><br /><em>For I am faithful to forgive his sins...</em><br /><br /><em>Indeed I shall lift him up, </em><br /><em>And set his feet upon hallowed ground.</em><br /><br /><br />
==Blessed Are Those Who Believe in Me==
<br /><em>Blessed are those who never lost the pearl,</em><br /><em>But held it close their whole life.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>I am not a god of force, for that which I give </em><br /><em>Must be received with gladness...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>And oh how blessed are those </em><br /><em>Who have truly received,</em><br /><em>For a multitude of joy awaits them... </em><br /><br /><em>Soon lifted up, high upon healing wings!</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who believe without seeing;</em><br /><em>They have received their reward.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who put their trust </em><br /><em>In God and abide in His Son...</em><br /><br /><em>For they shall receive </em><br /><em>Blessing upon blessing, grace upon grace, </em><br /><em>And wisdom with all trust.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who believe in Me...</em><br /><br /><em>Even more blessed are those who </em><br /><em>Embrace Me fully and walk in My ways,</em><br /><em>For they shall fly away.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br />Beloved, I have saved you already, <br />Having sent The Lamb of God<br />Slain from the foundation of the world;<br />He was come into the world, <br />And you would not receive Him...<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who have received Him; </em><br /><em>Grace covers them. </em><br /><br /><br />Behold, He is coming again, <br />And He have I poured out on every nation,<br />Yet you are offended in Him...<br /><br /><em>Blessed are the thirsty, </em><br /><em>Who have drunk deeply from His cup;</em><br /><em>They are filled with His glory. </em><br /><br /><br />Behold, He shall call out, He shall surely gather,<br />Yet you will neither see nor hear Him...<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who have </em><br /><em>Eyes to see and ears to hear;</em><br /><em>For they shall surely be gone from this place.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>As there is only One Way </em><br /><em>And only One Truth and only One Life, </em><br /><em>There can be only One Wisdom also... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who choose Him.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are the feet of those</em><br /><em>Who bring the Gospel of The Messiah</em><br /><em>To the hungry and thirsty... </em><br /><br /><em>Even more blessed are those </em><br /><em>Who eat and drink</em><br /><em>Of that which is offered them.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are the pure in heart, </em><br /><em>For they shall surely behold My face.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who watch </em><br /><em>And wait eagerly for My coming...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are their eyes, </em><br /><em>Though they have yet to see,</em><br /><em>For they have understood... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are their feet also, </em><br /><em>For they walk along the highway </em><br /><em>Called Holy, and do not tarry...</em><br /><br /><em>Lo, they follow close behind Me, </em><br /><em>Going wheresoever I lead them... </em><br /><br /><em>Behold, they have passed</em><br /><em>From judgment into life,</em><br /><em>And I have provided The Way.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>YahuShua is The Gift, </em><br /><em>Whom you call Christ and Jesus... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who know and accept Him.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>There is only one name under Heaven,</em><br /><em>By which you must be saved... </em><br /><br /><em>And oh how blessed are those </em><br /><em>Who put their trust in Him.</em><br /><br /><br />
==Blessed Are Those Who Receive of Me==
<br /><em>Blessed are the meek, </em><br /><em>For they shall inherit the Kingdom on Earth. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who </em><br /><em>Bless the name of The Lord,</em><br /><em>And happy are those who have His name</em><br /><em>Perpetually on their lips...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>Life without end to all those </em><br /><em>Who call upon the name of The Lord,</em><br /><em>Forever striving to walk in His ways </em><br /><em>And keep His Commandments...</em><br /><br /><em>Fully partaking of the fruit of the Spirit.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who have tasted and seen, </em><br /><em>For they have received of The Divine Gift...</em><br /><br /><em>The Lord Himself shall be </em><br /><em>Their inheritance, forever.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>All My servants move, speak and hear Me </em><br /><em>Through My spirit, and only through </em><br /><em>The Son shall My children come </em><br /><em>To know Me as I truly am... </em><br /><br /><em>And oh how blessed </em><br /><em>Are those who know Him...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>For they love Him and obey His voice, </em><br /><em>Having truly received of Him, </em><br /><em>Even of His spirit, the Spirit of God.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is the man who sincerely repents,</em><br /><em>And also departs from the ways of his flesh...</em><br /><br /><em>And happy is the man who loves The Lord </em><br /><em>With all his heart, with all his soul, </em><br /><em>With all his mind and with all his strength...</em><br /><br /><em>For he knows The Kingdom of Heaven already, </em><br /><em>And shall soon enter in. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who eat of The True Bread, </em><br /><em>And drink continuously from </em><br /><em>The Fountain of Living Waters...</em><br /><br /><em>They shall inherit everlasting life.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those </em><br /><em>In whom I see of Myself...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>For these have already passed </em><br /><em>From judgment into life, </em><br /><em>Seated forever at My right hand.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is the man whose name </em><br /><em>Is written in The Book of Life...</em><br /><br /><em>For he shall inherit everlasting life, </em><br /><em>And his name shall endure forever.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who have the Spirit of God, </em><br /><em>For God dwells within them.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed be the name of The Lord...</em><br /><br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who </em><br /><em>Receive of His blessings...</em><br /><br /><em>Even more blessed are those who are blessed</em><br /><em>In The Blessing I had sent to them...</em><br /><br /><em>For they are baptized in the Spirit of Truth </em><br /><em>And sprinkled with The Blood of Sprinkling,</em><br /><em>By which I have blessed all nations, </em><br /><em>As many as are willing to receive.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who embrace Me,</em><br /><em>For they shall share in My goodness, </em><br /><em>Even of all that I own!</em><br /><br /><br />
==Blessed Are Those Who Worship Me==
<br /><em>Blessed are all those who raise their voices </em><br /><em>To Heaven and give Me perfect praise;</em><br /><em>Blessed are those who offer up thanksgiving, </em><br /><em>Without ceasing, in My Holy name...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>I shall be their God, </em><br /><em>And they shall be My people.</em><br /><br /><em>Yet even more blessed are those </em><br /><em>Who bow down and kiss the feet of My Son; </em><br /><em>Their sins are forgiven them...</em><br /><br /><em>For those who embrace The Son of God </em><br /><em>Have touched The Kingdom of Heaven...</em><br /><br /><em>Everlasting life is their reward,</em><br /><em>Dwelling in union with </em><br /><em>The Messiah, forever.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who worship with gratitude, </em><br /><em>Giving thanks for the birth of My Son...</em><br /><br /><em>Even more blessed are those who </em><br /><em>Worship and give thanks</em><br /><em>For His death and resurrection.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is he who reveres My name </em><br /><em>And gives Me perfect praise...</em><br /><br /><em>For I am coming quickly!</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>I am The First! </em><br /><em>Behold, I am also The Last!... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed therefore are all those </em><br /><em>Who bow down before Me; </em><br /><em>For in them shall the vision be made </em><br /><em>Complete and The Word established, </em><br /><em>Even as it was at the first </em><br /><em>And shall also be at the last...</em><br /><br /><em>Trust in Me therefore, for I AM HE!</em><br /><br /><br />
==Blessed Are Those Who Walk in My Ways==
<br /><em>Blessed are the sons of men who bow down,</em><br /><em>Blessed are all those who fear The Lord... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who truly know Me, </em><br /><em>Who give heed to My words, to do them...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed also are all those who say, &ldquo;Yes, Lord&rdquo;, </em><br /><em>To My every decree and proclamation, </em><br /><em>Seeking always to obey My every command... </em><br /><br /><em>For their reward is coming, </em><br /><em>Coming very quickly. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who </em><br /><em>Accept The Blessing from God</em><br /><em>And walk in His ways.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those given and received in marriage,<br /> Who keep My Commandments...</em><br /><br /><em>For they shall experience love, </em><br /><em>Compassion, understanding, </em><br /><em>Much joy and earthly fulfillment.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who run to Me, </em><br /><em>For they shall be blessed in My presence...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>Even more blessed are those </em><br /><em>Who run to Me, then obey My Word, </em><br /><em>For their blessing is complete </em><br /><em>And they are at peace...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>Deliverance they shall surely know.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is he who fears The Lord </em><br /><em>And finds delight in His Commands...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who do what </em><br /><em>They have heard, for these live by faith,</em><br /><em>And by their example shall many </em><br /><em>Be led to Salvation. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Those who follow My voice </em><br /><em>Shall be blessed in it.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who fear The Lord </em><br /><em>Rather than men, taking much </em><br /><em>Delight in God&rsquo;s Commands.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who answer, &ldquo;Yes, Lord&rdquo;,</em><br /><em>For their faith is revealed...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who pray, </em><br /><em>&ldquo;Your will be done, Lord&rdquo;, </em><br /><em>For they have great trust...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who say, &ldquo;Amen, Lord&rdquo;,</em><br /><em>At all times and in every season, </em><br /><em>For they have understood... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who know, </em><br /><em>I AM WHO I AM;</em><br /><em>They shall have peace.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Oh how blessed are those </em><br /><em>Who have received of Grace,</em><br /><em>And seek to please The Father </em><br /><em>By obeying His Law, and teach men so... </em><br /><br /><em>Grace AND The Law.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who take </em><br /><em>Pleasure in My Sabbaths, </em><br /><em>Who also delight in doing what is right </em><br /><em>And good on My Holy Days...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>They shall be renewed </em><br /><em>In the presence of The Lord.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are My servants who seek to obey </em><br /><em>My commands without hesitation, </em><br /><em>For their trust is apparent... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who seek to please Me, </em><br /><em>For in them am I well pleased.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who come out </em><br /><em>At the sound of My voice,</em><br /><em>For I shall surely gather them together...</em><br /><br /><em>Indeed, blessed are all those </em><br /><em>Who obey My voice and heed </em><br /><em>The word of My Commandment,</em><br /><em>For they shall be first partakers of The Glory. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>It is written: </em><br /><em>&ldquo;Who can know the mind of God?&rdquo;...</em><br /><br /><em>Yet I have given you the mind of Mashiach...</em><br /><br /><em>Therefore, blessed are all those</em><br /><em>Who strive always to walk in His ways.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who receive </em><br /><em>This Word, and obey it...</em><br /><br /><em>They shall be set apart. </em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who diligently </em><br /><em>Seek to please The Lord their God</em><br /><em>And keep His Commandments...</em><br /><br /><em>They will be lifted up.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who </em><br /><em>Take part in the first harvest...</em><br /><br /><em>They shall be first partakers of The Glory.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who </em><br /><em>Come out from among them...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who </em><br /><em>Obey God rather than men...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who place </em><br /><em>Their trust in The Son of God,</em><br /><em>Striving always to walk in His ways</em><br /><em>And keep His Commandments...</em><br /><br /><br /><em>They shall surely </em><br /><em>Be taken out of this place.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><p style="text-align: left;"><em>For there is but One Sanctuary </em><br /><em>In which My people are to take refuge,</em><br /><em>One Shelter from the heat of the Day...</em></p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><em>Blessed, therefore, are all those who embrace Him fully </em><br /><em>And strive always to walk in His ways...</em></p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><em>They shall be hidden under the shadow </em><br /><em>Of His healing wings, high and lifted up...</em></p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><em>Says The Lord.</em></p><br /><br />
==Blessed Are Those Who Overcome==
<br /><em>Blessed are those who overcome </em><br /><em>For My name&rsquo;s sake...</em><br /><br /><em>To these is there a place of great honor,</em><br /><em>Where they shall be placed upon the mantle</em><br /><em>Of The Lord, in His house, forever.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who lose their life</em><br /><em>In this world, for My sake; </em><br /><em>They have their reward...</em><br /><br /><em>Yet woe to those who hold fast </em><br /><em>To their life in this world, </em><br /><em>For all they have is passing away.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who patiently endure </em><br /><em>For My name&rsquo;s sake...</em><br /><br /><em>They fulfill the promises.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is the one who embraces </em><br /><em>The calling of The Lord wholeheartedly...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>For a servant such as this lays down his life </em><br /><em>Each day, bearing his cross after Me...</em><br /><em></em><br /><em>Upon waking he kneels down </em><br /><em>At the feet of The Lord, </em><br /><em>With an open heart and open hands...</em><br /><em></em><br /><br /><em>And in this servant My soul delights.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who crucify their lives of old, </em><br /><em>And present themselves as a </em><br /><em>Living sacrifice unto God...</em><br /><br /><em>For their prayers have been received </em><br /><em>Up to Heaven, for a memorial </em><br /><em>Before The Holy One of Israel.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>There can be no birth apart from travail, </em><br /><em>For birth is always accompanied </em><br /><em>By much travail... </em><br /><br /><em>Yet oh how blessed are those </em><br /><em>Who persevere with their hearts </em><br /><em>Fixed upon the goal, enduring the pain,</em><br /><em>For they shall surely receive their reward.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is the wise and faithful servant, </em><br /><em>Who gives no thought to how they are </em><br /><em>Perceived in the eyes of others; </em><br /><em>For they obey My voice, and are not </em><br /><em>Dismayed by the looks of those </em><br /><em>Who judge without knowledge...</em><br /><br /><em>Indeed, they seek only to please their Master, </em><br /><em>Having no need of the approval of others.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who do not return </em><br /><em>Evil for evil, or reviling for reviling, </em><br /><em>But rather pray for their enemies...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who hold no ill-will </em><br /><em>In their heart toward another...</em><br /><br /><em>Indeed, blessed are all those who forgive </em><br /><em>Everyone who has sinned against them,</em><br /><em>For great shall be their reward in Heaven.</em><br /><br /><br />
==Blessed Are Those Who Serve Me as I Have Loved Them==
<br /><em>Give, and you will also receive...</em><br /><br /><em>Yet even more blessed is the one who gives, </em><br /><em>Expecting nothing in return; </em><br /><em>For this is to walk in Me, in My very footsteps.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who call upon </em><br /><em>The name of The Messiah</em><br /><em>In sincerity and in truth,</em><br /><em>For the Spirit of God dwells within them... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who seek refuge in Him, </em><br /><em>For they shall find it...</em><br /><br /><em>Blessed are all those who love </em><br /><em>And obey The Son, </em><br /><em>For they shall be delivered.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is that servant of Mine </em><br /><em>Who seeks out the poor, </em><br /><em>Whose heart is eager to help the needy, </em><br /><em>For they know My ways and seek to please Me... </em><br /><br /><em>Blessed also is My servant who gives</em><br /><em>Out of the abundance they have received, </em><br /><em>For they walk in My ways...</em><br /><br /><em>Yet most blessed is My servant </em><br /><em>Who gives from their lack,</em><br /><em>For they do justly, love mercy, </em><br /><em>And walk humbly with their God...</em><br /><br /><em>Indeed, they have understood.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed is My servant who gives </em><br /><em>Out of the abundance of their heart...</em><br /><br /><em>A joyful giver,</em><br /><em>Who knows that all they have is Mine </em><br /><em>And all I have is theirs.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are those who wait eagerly for My coming,</em><br /><em>Blessed are all those who keep watch,</em><br /><em>For I shall bless them with a multitude of </em><br /><em>Blessings, a great fulfilling of My spirit in them!...</em><br /><br /><em>Lo, they shall stand up and march </em><br /><em>Across these desolate lands!... </em><br /><br /><em>They shall stand up! Says The Lord of Hosts...</em><br /><br /><em>And I shall bless them </em><br /><em>And bring glory to My name!</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>Blessed are the feet of those I am sending, </em><br /><em>For they have received a message from God.</em><br /><br />&dagger;<br /><br /><em>The King shall stand up, </em><br /><em>And all creation shall bow down!...</em><br /><br /><em>And He shall look upon </em><br /><em>The joy of His heart with gladness, </em><br /><em>And the blessing shall be fulfilled... </em><br /><br /><em>For He shall bless them and keep them, </em><br /><em>And make His face to shine upon them; </em><br /><em>He shall be gracious to them, </em><br /><em>And lift up His countenance upon them, </em><br /><em>And grant them peace... </em><br /><br /><em>And thus shall My name be placed </em><br /><em>Upon the children of Israel, </em><br /><em>Even upon all who have been grafted in, </em><br /><em>And they shall be blessed!...</em><br /><br /><em>Yea, they shall be exceedingly glad, </em><br /><em>Dwelling in the presence </em><br /><em>Of The Lord, forever!</em><br /><br /><em>Therefore, blessed are all those<br /> Who seek forgiveness in <br />YahuShua HaMashiach, </em><br /><em>And also receive...</em><br /><br /><em>For in His name shall all find freedom,</em><br /><em>Solace under the shadow </em><br /><em>Of His healing wings!...</em><br /><br /><em>Life without end!...</em><br /><br /><em>Says The Lord God.</em><br /><br /><br />
[[category: The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior]]
* [https://trumpetcallofgodonline.bandcamp.com/track/the-blessed Audio for <i>"The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior"</i>]
*Introduction: “Blessed by The Word of God” & Matthew 4:4 (with music)<br>
*Blessed Are Those Who Seek Me (with music)<br>
*Blessed Are Those Who Believe in Me (with music)<br>
*Blessed Are Those Who Receive of Me (with music)<br>
*Blessed Are Those Who Worship Me (with music)<br>
*Blessed Are Those Who Walk in My Ways (with music)<br>
*Blessed Are Those Who Overcome (with music)<br>
*Blessed Are Those Who Serve Me as I Have Loved Them (with music)<br>
*The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior (with music and voice over)<br>
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Latest revision as of 17:24, 29 August 2022