The Days of the Martyred Prophets Are at an End
6/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord: The days of the martyred prophets are over, the Day of The Lord is here! The anger of The Almighty is put on open display and the might of The Holy One shall be made fully known! Therefore sing amen to The Holy One of Israel, all you My elect! Bow down and give Me perfect praise, all you My holy ones! Break forth into singing, all you My chosen! Praise your King!
Peoples of the earth, I am come down and I have searched. I have went from house to house and peered into every temple, that I might behold the ways of man, that I may look upon his works and discern his heart and know his mind. For I am The Lord, and I love judgment.
Justice shall be poured out and punishment sent down!
For I am The God of Judgment, The God of Recompense!...
Behold, The God of Vengeance is risen up
In His fierce anger and is come down in
His overflowing indignation, to repay!...
Amen and amen!
Let it be done, let it come to pass quickly! With great swiftness let wrath overflow, until evil is swept away and the wickedness of men is wiped clean, until every tower crumbles and every city is consumed with fire, until I have utterly destroyed all the works of man, UNTIL I HAVE BLOTTED OUT THE KINGDOMS OF MEN!
Let their temples come down with a great crash, and let every religion be crushed beneath the weight of their idols! Let them pine away in their lies and waste away in their deceptions, UNTIL THEY ARE NO MORE!
Therefore, I call to the prophets of every religion!...
To every prophet of the wicked one,
To every soothsayer and prognosticator,
To every scoffer and evil man
Who seek to harm My anointed,
Even to every person who plots ill will
In their hearts against My messengers...
Come forward and fight against My witnesses!
That I may cut you down and purge you
From your places, that you may be
No more before My face!...
Behold, I shall make of you a great slaughter!
Yes, come and make plans and devise your evil schemes, and come and strike at My prophets that you might do them harm! For the days of the martyred prophets are at an end; the time of recompense is here! Hurry now, come forward, that I may strike you down where you stand, that I may take your life from you in a moment, that I may litter the streets with your rotting corpses! Says The Lord God.
Thus shall the prophets of The Lord be made plain, and the prophets of the wicked one be exposed. For the false prophets shall become rotting corpses in every land, scattered across every nation!
Yet the prophets of The Lord
Shall march free, undaunted!
Behold, they shall fly,
They shall be given eagle’s wings!...
Lo, the strength of Samson shall be theirs,
And the power of The Lord
Shall proceed from their nostrils!...
The Word of The Lord shall
Blow mightily in all the earth!
For I have put My words in their mouths!...
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